1% For the Planet

Octopus donates 1% of gross booking fees to support positive climate and social action.

At Octo­pus Agents, we are com­mit­ted to work­ing togeth­er towards a more sus­tain­able future for the plan­et and its inhab­i­tants. That’s easy enough to write, but as the say­ing goes, you’ve got to put your mon­ey where your mouth is. 

That’s why since 2022, we have pledged to donate 1% of gross book­ing fees to three caus­es that work towards ensur­ing a health­i­er future for the earth. The ini­tia­tive is based around the idea of earth tax,” to give back to the plan­et that we call home. It’s a small step in the right direc­tion, but one that we hope to increase in the future.

Joint­ly cho­sen by our team, these caus­es are Milieude­fen­sie, Rewil­d­ing Europe and WECF Inter­na­tion­al.

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