A rare mix from Hunee

This one lands at a perfect time.

It’s been a lit­tle while since we heard a fresh online mix pub­lished by the one they call Hunch. But as they say, good things come to those that wait. Land­ing at a vital time where many turn to son­ic heal­ing to ease the times, the sub­ject of this mix cer­tain­ly caters to those that need it. In less than 24 hours of its upload, it was high­light­ed in Res­i­dent Advi­sor’s Mix of the Day series with the fol­low­ing words… 

Hunee’s lat­est mix takes him beyond the joy­ful dance music he’s known for into a deep, zoned-out area of clas­si­cal, jazz and ambi­ent, record­ed in lockdown.”

Ebbing and flow­ing over 100 min­utes the out­ing is rich with the sooth­ing sounds of string, wind and per­cus­sive instru­ments cre­at­ing a warm selec­tion of tones and tex­tures. Tune in below! 

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