Aurora Halal features on Air Texture Compilation

Auro­ra Halal co-cre­at­ed a track with DJ G, fea­tured on the com­pi­la­tion from DJ Python and Antho­ny Naples. 

The self-described slow-chug” track from Auro­ra Halal and DJ G is part of the larg­er com­pi­la­tion, Air Tex­ture VIII co-curat­ed by Brook­lyn-based selec­tors, Antho­ny Naples and DJ Python. As part of the duo behind impor­tant fes­ti­val, Sus­tain-Release, Auro­ra Halal fits seam­less­ly into this col­lec­tion of Brook­lyn sounds.

The com­pi­la­tion is avail­able for dig­i­tal down­load as of June 10th 2022.

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