Bradley Zero Rhythm Section Patreon program

A new ini­tia­tive for Bradley Zero and his label. 

In the cur­rent state of affairs, many of us have been left scratch­ing our heads think­ing What can we do, where do we go from here?”. But even in times of cri­sis do new cre­ative oppor­tu­ni­ties sur­face. With Rhythm Sec­tion’s desire to not just release music but to deep­en col­lab­o­ra­tion with its com­mu­ni­ty’ and the notable suc­cess of oth­er dig­i­tal ini­tia­tives Bradley found a fit­ting home on Patre­on for the labels next chapter. 

Like many Patre­on mem­ber­ships, patrons will have access to exclu­sive con­tent and sneak peeks of music and hap­pen­ings before any­one else. Rhythm Sec­tion also plans to give a per­cent­age of their pledges to char­i­ty and an option for young artists who may not be able to afford a mem­ber­ship but are still inter­est­ed in col­lab­o­rat­ing. How­ev­er, one of the mem­ber­ship perks that stands out is Rhythm Section’s stu­dio pro­gram, where they plan to build a one on one rela­tion­ship with bur­geon­ing artists, meet­ing with them every week and giv­ing them feed­back on mix­es, demos, and even crash cours­es on start­ing their own labels.” 

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