Hunee XOYO Residency

That's right, Hunee will be the new face at XOYO over the next 3 months.

Start­ing this Octo­ber the high­ly regard­ed Hunee will embark on a 3‑month res­i­den­cy at Lon­don’s Shored­itch based XOYO club. The res­i­den­cy will play host to not only the main man him­self but also a selec­tion of guests who con­tin­ue to inspire him with their ear, taste, style, craft and spir­it. Fea­tur­ing along­side the announce­ment Hunee added his own per­son­al touch express­ing his feel­ings about the res­i­den­cy on the post­card you can find in the art­work. Trav­el­ling week in week out, a sim­ple post­card res­onates very strong­ly with the glo­be­trot­ting selec­tor and there­fore has been cre­ative­ly used as the basis of all the art­work. Expect to see each line up pre­sent­ed on its very own post­card! He also post­ed to Face­book, which can be found here, a very heart­felt sto­ry about the news. 

Han­dling the sec­ond room of the venue over the course of the res­i­den­cy will be Lon­don’s favourite fam­i­ly Bril­liant Cor­ners. They will trans­form room 2 each week while play­ing host to some seri­ous local record col­lec­tors. The open­ing par­ty will com­mence Fri­day, Octo­ber 12th and run for the dura­tion of 10 weeks every Fri­day onwards, all line­ups will be announced next week so keep your eyes peeled on the ded­i­cat­ed site here

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