Identified Patient Truancy podcast

A new mix + inter­view with the ever-ris­ing Dutchman. 

Iden­ti­fied Patient han­dles the 263rd edi­tion of Tru­ants pod­cast series.

His Tru­an­cy Vol­ume, an inter­lock­ing hour and a half of tem­po switch­es and unpre­dictable selec­tions, is utter­ly body-rock­ing. It’s a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of what he like’s to play in his sets these days, with breaks and more bass ori­en­tat­ed tracks ful­ly at the fore­front here. It’s a blis­ter­ing spec­trum of sounds and a snap­shot of a pro­duc­er and DJ poised for a future in cre­ativ­i­ty and big records.”

In the accom­pa­ny­ing inter­view, they touch on his ear­ly expe­ri­ences lis­ten to elec­tron­ic music, inter­est in jazz, his first release and much more, see here

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