Neel announces debut album under LF58

The project is a col­lab­o­ra­tion with mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary artist Fil­ip­po Scorcucchi. 

LF58 was first pre­sent­ed in 2017 with the three-track EP Late Night Innom­i­nate, Vol­ume Two’ on Aux­il­iary records. Through this moniker, Neel and Scor­cuc­chi explore the pos­si­bil­i­ties offered with­in the realm of exper­i­men­tal and ambi­ent music. Con­tin­u­ous research has led them to increas­ing­ly bound­less and mys­ti­cal son­ic ter­ri­to­ries.

In April this year, LF58 will release their debut album Alter­azione’ on Astral Indus­tries. The LP is made up of med­i­ta­tive elec­tron­ic com­po­si­tions split into four move­ments (one per side of vinyl) with leg­endary engi­neer Noël Sum­merville pro­vid­ing the mas­ter­ing. In con­junc­tion with its drop, LF58 will hold an album release par­ty at The Pick­le Fac­to­ry in Lon­don with a two-and-a-half-hour live set, a first of many shows to come. Check out the pre­view below. 


A1. Iniziazione
A2. Rit­uale
B1. Meta­mor­fosi
B2. Evocazione/​Contatto/​Risveglio

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