Octopus welcomes Aurora Halal

We are hap­py to announce Auro­ra Halal as the lat­est addi­tion to our roster!

Auro­ra Halal is a pro­duc­er, DJ, and cre­ator of Brooklyn’s influ­en­tial Mutu­al Dream­ing par­ty series & the Sus­tain-Release festival.

Shad­owy and psy­che­del­ic, her hard­ware live & DJ sets have a hazy sen­su­al­i­ty and metal­lic dance floor inten­si­ty that’s at turns play­ful, dark, euphor­ic, and emo­tion­al­ly vul­ner­a­ble.

In all her projects, she treats dance music as an are­na for trans­for­ma­tion and since 2010, her events have been root­ed in an under­ground, DIY approach that push­es for­ward-think­ing sounds, pro­duc­tion, and ideas. She’s spent the last 10 years tour­ing like-mind­ed clubs, raves, and fes­ti­vals world­wide and gained a rep­u­ta­tion for pow­er­ful, unique per­for­mances that work both the body and mind. She’s 4 years into a res­i­den­cy at NYC’s Nowa­days, is a reg­u­lar at Berghain and pre­vi­ous­ly De School. Auro­ra has been enter­ing 2022 at full pace, ded­i­cat­ing her ener­gy towards both her sets and pro­duc­tions.

For all requests except the Amer­i­c­as, con­tact rene@​octopusagents.​com.

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