Octopus welcomes NVST

We are delight­ed to announce NVST as the lat­est artist on our roster.

Swiss pro­duc­er and DJ, NVST does­n’t fear putting the crowd in uncom­fort­able’ posi­tions, defy­ing what they think they know. Her style thrives on the clash of gen­res and tex­tures, which come togeth­er as a raw, acidic uni­ty that demands a fre­net­ic dance rit­u­al. Hail­ing from the Swiss ille­gal par­ty scene, the val­ues that move NVSTs approach to DJing remain dis­tant from con­ven­tion­al­ism and com­mer­cial approach­es. Beyond her pas­sion for DJing, NVST is an active mil­i­tant for the devel­op­ment and preser­va­tion of elec­tron­ic music in Switzerland.

NVST is spin­ning mul­ti­ple plates, as part of both the State­ment crew and Female:Pressure fam­i­ly, mean­while co-run­ning the French label Big Sci­ence and hold­ing res­i­den­cies on LYL­Ra­dio, Rinse FM, on EOS radio.

In past years, she’s been busy releas­ing an LP and an album on Big Sci­ence, as well as an EP on Seri­ous Trou­ble. Fol­low­ing the release of her debut album, Drum in the Bass of Atten­tion,” there are whis­pers of more pro­duc­tions to come lat­er this year. We wait in antic­i­pa­tion for her next moves, stay tuned.

For all requests, con­tact rene@​octopus-​agents.​com.

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