Orpheu The Wizard launches 'Wake Dream'

The next chap­ter for Orpheu The Wiz­ard.

Some might say its been a long time com­ing, but as they say, good things come to those who wait…The Ams­ter­dam born and bred Orpheu The Wiz­ard launch­es a new label to once again cap­ture your imag­i­na­tion. Pre­miered by Ran­some Note the inau­gur­al release on Wake Dream’ comes in the form of three unti­tled works by the Ams­ter­dam/­Tallinn-based Ruu­tu Poiss.

Here are some words that accom­pa­ny the release…

Eyes wide, fix­at­ed on the ceil­ing, she tried to keep her­self from drift­ing off, pinch­ing her­self each time she felt her eyes droop. For the past few weeks the same thoughts had been creep­ing into her dreams, turn­ing them into dark twist­ed night­mares that felt inescapable. Her solu­tion was to stay awake and avoid the inevitable, but there was only so long she could force her eyes to stay open.” 

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