Peter Van Hoesen debuts on Timedance

The Bel­gian artist con­tributes to Sharp­en, Mov­ing’, a com­pi­la­tion LP cel­e­brat­ing five years of the Bris­tol label.

Sharp­en, Mov­ing’ cel­e­brates five years of the Timedance imprint, blend­ing the labels orig­i­nal aes­thet­ic and open­ing it up into new cor­ners of left­field club music. Artists fea­tur­ing include the reg­u­lar faces of Batu, Bruce, Ploy and Metrist, along­side new­com­ers Kit Sey­mour, Akiko Haruna and Mang & GRAŃ. Timedance also wel­comes tech­no roy­al­ty Peter Van Hoe­sen with one of his most bro­ken tracks to date, plus new appear­ances from Pati­na Echoes con­trib­u­tors Via Maris, Cleyra and Nico.

The com­pi­la­tion show­cas­es Timedance’s evo­lu­tion from Bris­tol tech­no’ to a more glob­al con­scious sound, incor­po­rat­ing ener­gies from dif­fer­ent scenes and syn­the­sis­ing them into new mod­ern forms.

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