San Soda HORST podcast

The tasty selec­tor serves up the lat­est edi­tion in the HORST pod­cast series.

Every Sep­tem­ber the Bel­gian vil­lage of Hols­beek plays host to the dynam­ic HORST fes­ti­val. Since its birth in 2014, the fes­ti­val has been grow­ing year by year build­ing a rep­u­ta­tion as one of Bel­gium’s best under­ground fes­ti­vals. Ahead of his return to this years edi­tion, San Soda served up a pod­cast to get every­body excited. 

Glued togeth­er with his sig­na­ture sound the hour-long affair glides through funk, soul and dis­co with great results. It cap­tures a sum­mers eve per­fect with a cun­ning blend of play­ful rhythms and irre­sistible grooves. It taps into what makes him spe­cial: he allows music to play out as it was intend­ed, always with an under­ly­ing sense of cohe­sion.” Get an ear­ful of this one below! 

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