SØS Gunver Ryberg: SPINE

SØS Gunver Ryberg releases her album, SPINE, receiving widespread acclaim in Danish media.

SØS Gun­ver Ryberg released her hot­ly-antic­i­pat­ed new album SPINE on Feb­ru­ary 7th

SPINE falls among the inter­sec­tion of tech­no, exper­i­men­tal ambi­ent and soundsys­tem-shak­ing bass music. A real mas­ter­class from award-win­n­ing Dan­ish com­pos­er, SØS Gun­ver Ryberg that sees her map out an artis­tic land­scape that is futur­is­tic and com­plex, yet nev­er oppres­sive. Avail­able via Band­camp in vinyl, dig­i­tal and cas­sette for­mats now. 

SPINE is the debut release on Ryberg’s own label Arte­r­i­al Record­ings, and stands as a the­mat­i­cal­ly dense state­ment of intent. The label pro­vides a plat­form to extend Ryberg’s artis­tic goals and embody not only her world but one she wants to see devel­op in the future: some­where con­nect­ed and cre­ative, where explo­ration and free expres­sion is pri­or­i­tized over genre divi­sion and pet­ty compromise.

The excel­lent 10-track release has already received glow­ing reviews in Dan­ish media out­lets. Read Infor­ma­tion, Pas­sive Aggres­sive & Seis­mo­graf takes on the elec­tron­ic gold” album.

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