The Hacker at Unpolished

Something different from The Hacker at the 2020 edition of Unpolished.

Self-claimed as The Rough­est Week­end Of The Year’ Unpol­ished is an event with a heavy focus on fast punchy rhythms, furi­ous ener­gy and an over­abun­dance of bone-crunch­ing dis­tor­tion. The par­ty often encour­ages artists to try out some­thing dif­fer­ent allow­ing them to explore new ter­ri­to­ries. In this year’s affair, our vet­er­an of the scene The Hack­er was invit­ed for a hard­core set that fol­low­ing its announce­ment built up high anticipation. 

Step­ping onto the stage at peak time The Hack­er deliv­ered exact­ly that the doc­tor ordered. Dig­ging deep into his crates he show­cased his knowl­edge of ear­ly hard­core with spec­tac­u­lar results. From the get-go, the French­man is unfor­giv­ing in his selec­tions test­ing the new­ly installed sys­tem for every­thing it is worth… This one is a les­son in itself as The Hack­er teach­es you the true roots of Hard­core before it only became about how fast the record was. Dig in below. 

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