VOLTAGE Podcast: Identified Patient

Iden­ti­fied Patient brings his col­lec­tion to the VOLT­AGE pod­cast for a 2‑hour set.

Burst­ing onto the Dutch scene in 2016 with his debut release on Com­mon Thread, he has secured con­nec­tions with oth­er esteemed labels such as Pinkman, Brokn­toys and Dek­man­tel’s UFO series. This year, there are whis­pers cir­cu­lat­ing of the launch of his own label.

Iden­ti­fied Patients musi­cal fin­ger­print is instant­ly recog­nis­able. His win­ning com­bo of down­tem­po sat­u­ra­tion, wave fusion, and fuzzy acid all-in-all make him a crowd-favourite while he nev­er com­pro­mis­es on his gen­uine eclecticism. 

VOLT­AGE Pod­cast is a bi-week­ly pod­cast series, broad­cast­ing both upcom­ing and well-estab­lished artists with­in the tech­no scene. Every episode fea­tures a lengthy set sur­round­ed by a spo­ken in- & out­ro. The full sto­ry, includ­ing an in-depth inter­view and hand­writ­ten track­list by each artist, can be found on their web­site: volt​ageim​print​.com/​e​n​/​p​o​dcast

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