Welcome Vân Anh!

We are delight­ed to wel­come Vân Anh onboard as the lat­est addi­tion to our roster.

Vân Anh is a DJ pur sang, a reg­u­lar fix­ture on the inter­na­tion­al music scene with over a decade of expe­ri­ence to her name.

The sounds she weaves togeth­er ver­i­fy her ver­sa­til­i­ty as a DJ, with hid­den depths and sur­pris­ing pow­er, illu­mi­nat­ing the crowd with a rhythm and groove that keeps lis­ten­ers engrossed through­out the jour­ney she leads.

With pre­vi­ous appear­ances at Berghain, De School, Awak­en­ings and Par­al­lel Fes­ti­val, she is under­pinned by her res­i­den­cies at Den Haag-based The Crave and Rot­ter­dam-based Trans­portbedri­jf. She also hosts her own Rot­ter­dam-based par­ty named Iso­toop, a space cre­at­ed with the inten­tion of son­ic explo­ration and experimentation.

For all book­ing requests, please con­tact matthijs@​octopus-​agents.​com.

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