Willow Boiler Room X AVA Festival

The Mancunian beat machine brings her talents to Boiler Room once again.

This past week­end Work­shop prodi­gy Wil­low was in Belfast for her debut per­for­mance at AVA Fes­ti­val. The Man­ches­ter-based selec­tor could be found on the Boil­er Room stage mark­ing her sec­ond appear­ance on the stream­ing platform. 

Tak­ing to the stage late after­noon on the Sat­ur­day Wil­low cer­tain­ly had the inten­tion of ignit­ing the dance­floor. From the first beat, she comes fir­ing all cylin­ders as she unloads a healthy dose of acid fury in her open­ing sequences. From here she keeps the ener­gy at an all-time high dip­ping and div­ing between hard-hit­ting left­field house bangers, four to the floor tech­no and mind-bend­ing elec­tro. Expect tracks from the likes of Tonov­el­le, Cybonix, Nina Krav­iz and many more. 

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