RA Live - Bradley Zero b2b Mister Saturday Night

Resident Advisor hit the nail on the head with this sensational b2b matchup.

There is some­thing always mag­i­cal about when tal­ent­ed peo­ple come togeth­er to form some­thing unique­ly spe­cial and that is exact­ly what is on offer in this near­ly 5‑hour long record­ing of Bradley Zero b2b with Mis­ter Sat­ur­day Night. Tak­en from a record­ing at one of the infa­mous Rhythm Sec­tion par­ties the mix is a per­fect rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the end­less bound­aries Bradley Zero tries to push under the brand’s umbrel­la. Through­out the 5 hours, the three DJ´s glide through gen­res, con­stant­ly chang­ing direc­tion yet keep­ing it flu­id and organ­ic from start to fin­ish. Not long after this mix was record­ed, Bradley was invit­ed to play Eamon Hark­in’s (MSN) Sis­ter’s wed­ding par­ty, he must have done some­thing right! Expect music from names like Omar S, Har­vey Suther­land, Theo Par­rish, Mar­cel­lus Pittman, Trevi­no and many more.

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