Bradley Zero at Beats in Space

The prince of Peckham dropped by Beats in Space with a fresh selection.

Rep­re­sent­ing Rhythm Sec­tion Inter­na­tion­al in every breathe, Bradley Zero was in the big apple whilst out on the road in the US and Cana­da. With a reg­u­lar show on NTS, the UK native has a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of what a good radio show entails and trans­lat­ed this in his usu­al fash­ion at the New York-based out­let. Over the course of 70 min­utes, he graced the air­waves with lots of new and unre­leased music, all of which com­ing from his own imprint. Tune in below and get well acquaint­ed with the Rhythm Inter­na­tion­al sound. 

Pho­to cred­it: Tim Sweeney 

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