San Soda Red Bull interview

San Soda speaks to Red Bull and indulges his great­est pas­sion: vinyl. 

The famous­ly diverse DJ and deep dig­ger has around 15000 records and here speaks about how and why he col­lects, about trips he made in search of music in his youth, and reveals some great back­sto­ries to his col­lec­tion. He also reveals he’s work­ing on a new web­site, Music Take Me Places, for which he’ll make mix tapes per city or region, bun­dled with info that will be use­ful for peo­ple who’d like to go there and buy records, like address­es and pic­tures of shops, mar­kets or labels. It will be a place to gath­er all the music I own. Expect por­traits of Israel, Indone­sia, East­ern Europe, South Africa, even Bel­gium. It will be a great out­let for a lot of music that is more dif­fi­cult to share in a club envi­ron­ment.” Read it here.

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