Legowelt hosts Shadow Wolf Cyberzine workshop

Last Sat­ur­day 10th of Feb­ru­ary Legow­elt and around 20 par­tic­i­pants embarked on the Shad­ow Wolf Cyberzine work­shop sem­i­nar at the WORM Insti­tute for Avant Garde Media in Rotterdam.

In one after­noon they cre­at­ed a new issue of the Shad­ow Wolf Cyberzine (Issue 6) with lots of obscure arti­cles and ASCII art includ­ing things like David Vunks Inter­na­tion­al May­on­aise test, the par­al­lel oth­er inter­net that time for­got, MS20 tini­tus sound ther­a­py and lots more. You can read the results here. 

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