Marco Shuttle & Donato Dozzy land on Terraforma X Wire Mag project

The Ital­ian natives both add an unre­leased track to the var­i­ous artist CD which is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Ter­rafor­ma and Wire Mag.

Over the past few years, Ter­rafor­ma has steadi­ly grown into one Italy’s most excit­ing fes­ti­vals. The organ­i­sa­tions firm favorites Dona­to Dozzy and Mar­co Shut­tle both have some­thing to add to the var­i­ous artist CD. Along­side a series of live per­for­mance record­ings from pre­vi­ous years, you can find an unre­leased track from both artists. With no teasers yet it’s hard to say what you can expect from both tracks but the only way to find out is to sub­scribe to the Wire Mag­a­zine in time for the June edi­tion. Good luck!

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