Peter Van Hoesen LRN Series Podcast

The Bel­gian tech­no vet­er­an serves up the lat­est pod­cast for the recent­ly formed LRN pod­cast series. 

LRN is a new series from ZBK and Birth of Fre­quen­cy focus­ing on ambi­ent, eclec­tic & abstract elec­tron­ic music. Fol­low­ing on from the first edi­tion by ZADIG is Time to Express boss Peter Van Hoe­sen

Over the dura­tion of the 100-minute long mix, Peter ticks off all the box­es as glides back and forth between ambi­ent, elec­tric and abstract selec­tions. The pod­cast has many moments of beau­ti­ful syn­the­sized spaci­ness but still comes well equipped with plen­ty of tech­no and elec­tro good­ness in between. 

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