Legowelt talks production tips with Xlr8r

The mighty Dutch stu­dio wiz­ard shares an insight into his pro­duc­tion meth­ods in this piece for Xlr8r.

Dan­ny Wolfer­’s is a man of many alias­es, since his debut release as Legow­elt on Bunker records near­ly 20 year ago he has amount­ed a discog­ra­phy like no oth­er earn­ing a rep­u­ta­tion that he right­ly deserves.

A foun­da­tion for this work is Wolfers’ unfal­ter­ing devo­tion to hard­ware — old and new. You don’t have to look too hard for video tours of his stu­dio, and Wolfers is hard­ly reluc­tant to sup­port oth­er like-mind­ed artists. His per­son­al site hosts a wealth of sam­ple packs, plug-ins, and infor­ma­tion. In line we this, we asked Wolfers to delve a lit­tle bit deep­er to dis­cuss some of the key, less­er-known tips behind his work, and this is what he submitted.”

With­out giv­ing too much away the piece cov­ers a wide selec­tion of meth­ods tips and approach­es that you can begin to try out in your own stu­dio. From Inspi­ra­tional Psy­cho­log­i­cal Brain Hacks” that will chal­lenge your con­ven­tion­al work process to In-Depth Tech­ni­cal Tips” that offer some cun­ning stu­dio tricks. This one has a lot to offer, read up here.

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