Marco Shuttle - The Moon Chant EP on The Bunker NY

The warm-blooded Italian returns to one of North America's most exciting labels.

Mar­co Shut­tle has become a famil­iar face on The Bunker New York over the years and his rela­tion­ship with the label is an inter­est­ing one. They men­tioned Mar­co Shut­tle first caught our ear many years ago when we dis­cov­ered his music the old fash­ioned way, pick­ing up his Clone Store Only Series record at Hal­cy­on in Brook­lyn. This mys­te­ri­ous record led to becom­ing obsessed with his incred­i­ble, self-released pod­casts that were float­ing around online at the time so we reached out to him and end­ed up work­ing togeth­er to put his Fan­fara EP out on our label in 2014, when he was almost unknown in North Amer­i­ca. Since then, his music career has grown in leaps and bounds. He’s no longer at his day job in the fash­ion indus­try but tours and pro­duces full-time, releas­ing albums on his own Eerie Records, Dona­to Dozzy and Neel’s Spazio Disponi­bile, as well as a string of killer EPs on sev­er­al respect­ed imprints.” 

Mar­co will now regroup with The Bunker New York for his next release titled The Moon Chant” EP. Across three tracks the Eerie label boss show­cas­es that unmis­tak­able Mar­co Shut­tle vibe with plen­ty of delib­er­ate, slight­ly twist­ing melodies, shad­owy dis­em­bod­ied echo­ing vocals, under­pinned with punch­es of taut­ly lay­ered rhythms. The open­ing track, giv­en the same name as the EP, is a stripped back affair offer­ing deeply infused drum pat­terns and stab notes laced with the har­row­ing chant­i­ng of a female voice. Tracks Cybe­ria” and Curve Peri­colose” both have a lot more going on then the title track thanks to an array of metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed and intri­cate synth lines, melodies and sequences backed with firey drum work and ooz­ing in dub­by tex­tures. Once again Mar­co Shut­tle shows a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of his craft exe­cut­ed wicked­ly in this 3 track EP. Get famil­iar with this one below. 

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