Neel releases on One Instrument

The Spazio Disponi­bile co-founder releas­es a two track EP cre­at­ed under the restric­tion of using only one instru­ment of his choice. 

One Instru­ment is one of the most inter­est­ing labels to come out of Berlin in the past cou­ple of years. It’s run by the Dutch-Ital­ian artist known as Grand Riv­er who’s debut album Pineap­ple” land­ed on Spazio Disponi­bile ear­li­er this year. Her imprint One Instru­ment releas­es com­po­si­tions cre­at­ed by artists who have accept­ed the chal­lenge to pro­duce a sound exper­i­ment with the restric­tion of using only one instru­ment and adher­ing to spe­cif­ic guidelines. 

They believe, ” In a time where an over­whelm­ing num­ber of instru­ments exist, musi­cians do not often take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ful­ly explore the cre­ative poten­tial of each of their instru­ments.
One Instru­ment aims to counter-act this ten­den­cy by invit­ing artists to chal­lenge their cur­rent cre­ative process­es through lim­it­ing them to the use of only one instru­ment of their choice.”

Mark­ing the sec­ond release on the label is Neel with a solo record that fea­tures Aria”, a 22 minute deeply rout­ed piece made with the E340 Cloud Gen­er­a­tor of Syn­the­sis Tech­nol­o­gy and The Morn­ing After”, com­posed with one of his favourite stu­dio toys and a real clas­sic, the Roland SH-01A.

Aria” came to life while Neel was prepar­ing for one of his infa­mous live sets. When he stopped record­ing the oscil­la­tor kept run­ning pro­duc­ing the sound and tones audi­ble in the com­po­si­tion which can be heard below. The Morn­ing After” is one of the 9 exper­i­ments he cre­at­ed while using the bou­tique ver­sion of the Roland SH-01. The out­come is warm, bright and emo­tive which is very rem­i­nis­cent of his work with Voic­es Of The Lake. Keep your eyes peeled for this one that will be avail­able as of Novem­ber 4th!

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