Sassy J at Dekmantel Festival

Check out what Sassy J had in store for the Selectors stage this year.

After a very mem­o­rable per­for­mance on the Dek­man­tel’s sis­ter fes­ti­val, Lente Kabi­net, ear­li­er in the year Sassy J was back in Ams­ter­dam to play under the wil­low tree at Dek­man­tel Fes­ti­val 2018

Tak­ing to the stage under the bak­ing sun mid-Sat­ur­day after­noon Sassy J ignit­ed the dance­floor with her usu­al diverse and eclec­tic selec­tions. Over the course of an hour and a half, she touched on sev­er­al gen­res cov­er­ing sev­er­al decades con­nect­ing the dots with a great under­stand­ing. From the per­cus­sive sounds of Africa to house clas­sics to all-out acid action the mix has plen­ty on offer and you can lis­ten back to it in full below. 

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