Legowelt interview with Magnetic Magazine

Legow­elt dis­cuss­es his new alias and his lat­est cre­ation the Star Shepherd”

Ear­li­er this month Legow­elt announced the release of his lat­est album land­ing under his new alias Star Shep­ard” along­side fel­low artists from The Hague, Baglover. The 11 track album titled Cur­rent Explo­rations In Star Syn­the­sis” was cre­at­ed pre­dom­i­nant­ly using his recent­ly self-built synth that also goes by the name The Star Shepherd”. 

In light of its release, the Cal­i­for­nia based online music out­let Mag­net­ic Mag­a­zine found it to be a great time to dis­cuss with Legow­elt about the project. With­out giv­ing too much away you will find the inter­view, which can be found here, touch­es on his recent hap­pen­ings, his lat­est stu­dio pur­chas­es, the cre­ation of his self-built synth and much more. 

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