Orpheu The Wizard at Skylab

The Red Light Radio co-founder dropped by Skylab upon on his recent trip to Melbourne.

This past week­end Res­i­dent Advi­sor host­ed their lat­est par­ty for their glob­al twen­ty-four hour series. The series so far has deliv­ered four spe­cial events in four unique spaces across the globe. Their lat­est affair went down at one of Melbourne’s most icon­ic late-night venues: Revolver Upstairs which includ­ed a care­ful­ly con­sid­ered blend of local and inter­na­tion­al names such as DJ Sprin­kles, Wil­low, D. Tiffany and the leg­endary Orpheu The Wiz­ard amongst many others.

Ahead of his appear­ance, Orpheu The Wiz­ard dropped by one of Mel­bourne’s favourite local spots Sky­lab. Sky­lab is an online radio sta­tion at the core of Melbourne’s every grow­ing scene that cel­e­brates the eclec­tic music, artis­tic flair and cul­tur­al inclu­sive­ness can­vass­ing this city and abroad. Over the dura­tion of his hour-long radio show Orpheu digs deep into his record col­lec­tion show­cas­ing his unde­ni­able tal­ents as a selec­tor. After kick­ing things off with a cou­ple reg­gae rar­i­ties he moves through a selec­tion of melod­ic down-tem­po cuts before final­ly push­ing the pace and clos­ing things off with a num­ber of deep offerings. 

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