Orpheu The Wizard Resident Advisor Podcast

The Red Light Radio co-founder was invited to record an RA podcast and he certainly does not disappoint!

Over the last few years, Orpheu The Wiz­ard has qui­et­ly been work­ing his way into the spot­light and up the ranks as one of Ams­ter­dam’s hard­est work­ing and most diverse and skilled DJs — becom­ing some­what of a cult favourite, not just with­in the Dutch cap­i­tal, but across Europe and beyond. 

With a sound that focus­es on the (far) left-of-cen­tre, the weird and won­der­ful and the often unex­pect­ed, Orpheu is nev­er one to take the easy route and play the tried and test­ed’, instead thriv­ing on un-earth­ing the un-earth­ly and seem­ing­ly effort­less­ly mak­ing it work with max­i­mum effect on the floor. 

2018 has seen Orpheu embark on an exten­sive tour sched­ule, twist­ing mel­ons at a seri­ous­ly impres­sive array of fes­ti­vals, clubs and par­ties across Europe, South Amer­i­ca, Aus­tralia, South-East Asia and beyond — from sweaty base­ments to vast fes­ti­val stages.

Round­ing up the year nice­ly, Orpheu was invit­ed to record an RA pod­cast and he cer­tain­ly does not dis­ap­point! Lis­ten to the mix below!

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