Marco Shuttle Kuboraum podcast

The Eerie label boss composed a podcast for the Kuboraum crew.

Kub­o­raum is a Berlin-based pro­ject­ed with Ital­ian roots spe­cial­is­ing in, but not lim­it­ed to, eye wear design. The out­let also has a heavy foot in the local music scene host­ing a num­ber of events, press­ing records and run­ning a very respectable pod­cast series. The lat­est guest to fea­ture on their pod­cast series is an artist well estab­lished in the Berlin music scene and a real local favourite in Mar­co Shuttle. 

Across the hour-long affair, Mar­co show­cas­es a dif­fer­ent side to his arse­nal oth­er than his usu­al offer­ing of abstract and cin­e­mat­ic tech­no. Instead, he uses the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take things down-tem­po mak­ing great use of ambi­ent and organ­ic based cuts. His arrange­ment takes you through a whirl-wind­ed jour­ney of dif­fer­ent sound­scapes spark­ing dif­fer­ent emo­tions along the way. Expect tracks from the likes of Aphex Twin, Valenti­no Mora, Kon­rad Wehrmeis­ter and more! 

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