Welcome Mike Parker

It comes with great plea­sure to wel­come a true tech­no leg­end to the Octo­pus family. 

Mike Park­ers exper­i­men­tal and rit­u­al­is­tic approach sets him apart from the rest and in a time of over-sat­u­ra­tion he is still one of those few artists whose sound you can spot in a heart­beat. For 20 plus years, he has per­fect­ed a unique inter­pre­ta­tion of tech­no, instant­ly recog­nis­able to con­tem­po­rary audi­ences, which has earned him a leg­endary glob­al sta­tus inspir­ing the likes of Dona­to Dozzy and many of his peers for decades now.

From his hum­ble begin­nings to the present day Mike Park­er has amassed an impres­sive list of cre­den­tials paving his own lane with a unique style that breathes inno­va­tion yet hon­ours the true val­ues of tech­no. And after 20 years in the game, Mike is still a dom­i­nant fig­ure that con­tin­ues to carve his own niche in the ever-expand­ing world of elec­tron­ic music. 

For all requests, please con­tact Dion here

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