Interstellar Funk & Intergalactic Gary Video Club Podcast

What does 4 hours of Inter­stel­lar Funk & Inter­galac­tic Gary b2b at Video Club sound like? 

In 2018 Inter­stel­lar Funk embarked on a res­i­den­cy at one of Colom­bi­a’s most excit­ing club spaces Video Club based in the coun­tries cap­i­tal Bogotá. Across two sep­a­rate nights, he shared the decks with Ele­na Colom­bi and Inter­galac­tic Gary for what played out to be two exten­sive nights of musi­cal magic.

After what was named the most epic Colom­bian can­dle night of all time” the Video Club crew decid­ed the record­ing of Inter­stel­lar Funk b2b with Inter­galac­tic Gary would serve per­fect­ly for the 35th edi­tion of their pod­cast series. Over the lengthy 4 hour endeav­our, the pair cov­ers a lot of ground deliv­er­ing a no-non­sense affair of well sought out elec­tron­ics. While the mix starts off with unex­pect­ed turns around every cor­ner the lat­ter half stays true to the dance­floor with a fine selec­tion of peak time bangers. 

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