5select5 quiz Peter Van Hoesen

How does Peter Van Hoe­sen keep a healthy work life bal­ance? Found out his essen­tials to doing so here. 

5ELECT5 describe them­selves as a por­trait series of cre­atives and their essen­tials. We share sto­ries and inspi­ra­tion to enhance life, enjoy work and be successful.” 

Their lat­est piece focus­es around Bel­gian tech­no tastemak­er Peter Van Hoe­sen. With over twen­ty years of expe­ri­ence on the road, it does make one won­der how has Peter been able to keep on top of his game all these years. Well, in this piece, he explains 5 of his essen­tial tools rang­ing from his trust­ed note­book to some of his stu­dio favourites. Check it out, here

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