Mike Parker Dekmantel Podcast

The one and only Mike Park­er steps up for the lat­est Dek­man­tel podcast. 

Mike Park­er has done a fine job of immor­tal­is­ing his name into elec­tron­ic music over the last few decades. He is wide­ly known for his metic­u­lous take on tech­no that he cap­i­talis­es on with the use of hyp­not­ic grooves and a great amount of detail. How­ev­er, in this pod­cast, that marks 223rd edi­tion for the Dek­man­tel crew, he show­cas­es a dif­fer­ent side to his arse­nal as he dis­miss­es his usu­al heavy rhythms for an assort­ment of hor­i­zon­tal­ly inclined selections.

Over the course of an hour, Mike takes us through a deeply detailed cin­e­mat­ic voy­age through the ever-expand­ing cor­ners of the uni­verse. He deploys ambi­ent fueled synths, slow­ly unwind­ing sequences, daunt­ing pads and the occa­sion­al use of wind instru­ments that set real scenes and have a real sense of nar­ra­tive”. It’s most cer­tain­ly an emo­tion­al affair hav­ing its moments of unchilling and spooky inten­si­ty which he equal­ly match­es with moments of pure­ly bliss­ful relaxation. 

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