Peter Van Hoesen presents new alias Maison Attali

New ideas com­ing from one of techno’s tastemak­ers. 

The Bel­gian musi­cian deliv­ers the debut LP for his new moniker Mai­son Attali. The album, titled Impro­vi­sa­tions on an Elka Syn­thex’, fea­tures live record­ings of Peter man­u­al­ly decod­ing the leg­endary eight­ies syn­the­siz­er. Record­ed in his stu­dio in one after­noon, with­out the addi­tion of any effects, Peter went into full exper­i­men­tal mode rack­ing up sev­er­al hours of mate­r­i­al. Lat­er he refined the record­ings into 6 impro­vi­sa­tions show­cas­ing his inter­pre­ta­tion of the Elka­’s unique character.’ 

Across the 31 minute voy­age into the 8‑voice ana­log poly­phon­ic syn­the­siz­er Peter walks through Growl­ing res­o­nances, unusu­al pitch move­ments, squelchy oscil­la­tor mod­u­la­tions and hiss­ing poten­tiome­ters’. It’s raw to the bone and equal­ly as unpre­dictable which is sure to get the ana­log purists heads turn­ing. Tap into this one below. 

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