Wata Igarashi remixes for Prins Thomas

Immerse your­self in two very oppo­site remix­es from Wata Igarashi.

In the third chap­ter of remix­es tak­en from Prins Thoman’s lat­est album, 5”, are four com­pelling alter­na­tives. First­ly, are Wata Igarashis Exhale and Inhale remix­es of Bronchi Beat that’s fol­lowed by an addi­tion­al ver­sion from Orbe. Last­ly, tieing off the four-track EP is Riv­et’s remix of AE

As you might have guessed from the titles Wata’s two remix­es pos­sess con­trast­ing idea’s. The Exhale’ remix is deeply rout­ed in fine­ly tuned rolling low ends, trick­ling sequences and a healthy dose of sin­is­ter synth-fueled ingre­di­ents. This one is sure to be ignit­ing dance­floors some­where near you. How­ev­er, The Inhale’ remix is a beat­less affair that breathes cin­e­mat­ic tones and tex­tures as a result of Wata’s cun­ning use of sound­scapes and lay­ers. Expect a thrilling array of orbit­ing and inter­twin­ing synth lines! 

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