Welcome LSD!

It comes with great plea­sure to announce the lat­est addi­tion to our roster…LSD

L for Luke Slater, S for Steve Bick­nell and D for Dave Sum­n­er AKA Func­tion. Put the three togeth­er and you get LSD. A project that focus­es on the psy­che­del­ic aspects of tech­no while empha­siz­ing the cross-pol­li­na­tion of each member’s style and rhyth­mic sensibility.

After form­ing in 2015 the group pre­sent­ed their debut release, Process”, on Ostgut Ton in con­junc­tion with mes­meris­ing per­for­mances at the likes of ADE, Berghain and Dek­man­tel Fes­ti­val. In 2019, the group will launch their self-titled label, gear­ing up a num­ber of releas­es that spe­cialise in their sig­na­ture sound while uphold­ing their core val­ues of uni­fy­ing their indi­vid­u­al­i­ties through spontaneity. 

For all requests, please con­tact Dion here. 

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