Suzanne Kraft & Jonny Nash present MATstudio 2

The duo are back on Melody As Truth with their second outing as MATstudio.

Suzanne Kraft and Jon­ny Nash have been inten­sive­ly col­lab­o­rat­ing over the past sev­er­al years. Their lat­est project MAT­stu­dio is cen­tred around the work­ing process­es in their shared Ams­ter­dam based stu­dio. They first pre­sent­ed the col­lab­o­ra­tion in Feb­ru­ary this year, as seen here, stat­ing the out­let would be used to focus on impro­vi­sa­tions, exper­i­ments and acci­dents com­ing out of their cre­ative space.

The two tracks on the release are hor­i­zon­tal­ly inclined ambi­ent com­po­si­tions that both stretch over 14 min­utes long. The Per­ish­able Imag­i­na­tion” merges plucked instru­ments, warm pads, sparse hits and a heavy dose of delay paint­ing a jour­ney that stretch­es from a bright ear­ly morn­ing into the dark of night. Maybe This Is Some­thing You Should Think About” fol­lows suit in its use of sounds, how­ev­er, tells a very dif­fer­ent sto­ry. It’s more with­drawn in its open­ing chap­ters but slow­ly devel­ops into light rhythms and sweet melodies as the track pro­gress­es. Check this one out below and catch them play­ing togeth­er at Motel Cam­po in Gene­va next month (June 15th). 

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