Suzanne Kraft Motel Campo Podcast

The LA native serves up 75 minutes of Disco and Boogie in this podcast for Motel Campo.

In light of his trip to Gene­va to play for the Motel Cam­po crew, along­side part­ner in crime Jon­ny Nash, Suzanne Kraft deliv­ered a very tidy pod­cast for the Swiss out­fit. It came prepped as a teas­er for the pair’s back to back all night long set that took place this past weekend. 

Lock­ing into the mix you will find Suzanne Kraft show­cas­ing his affec­tion for and unde­ni­able knowl­edge of Dis­co, Boo­gie and sounds alike. It’s 75 min­utes of taste­ful grooves, slap­ping bass lines and tight mix­es all wrapped up with an air of the sum­mer sol­stice that is soon upon us. If you’re look­ing for a mix to put a spring in your step for the sun­ny sea­son then look no further! 

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