Antal Sunday Snooze podcast for 3voor12

The vetted selector has his say as what constitutes to a Sunday snooze.

Antal is some­thing of a work­horse. If he’s not on on the road or han­dling the demands of Rush Hour you can find him tak­ing care of his many duties as a fam­i­ly man. As you can imag­ine, jug­gling these things can’t be easy and his time for Sun­day snooz­ing comes far and few between. High­light­ing these points in the fea­tured arti­cle along­side the mix, to be found only in Dutch here, Antal states It has become a bit of a snooze not snooze mix”. He men­tions that Sun­day is also usu­al­ly a trav­el day for me. I also often trav­el ear­ly on Sun­day to have an after­noon and evening with my fam­i­ly. So that means a short sleep of a few hours before my pick-up to the air­port is ready. I also sleep a bit on the plane, but my sleep is often inter­rupt­ed by either the alarm clock or a land­ing plane. Hence snooze not snooze.”

Despite his lit­tle time for rest the mix is still har­mo­nious and depicts down­time and relax­ation. Over the course of near­ly eighty min­utes, Antal fus­es Japan­ese ambi­ence with folk like cuts before dig­ging through a selec­tion of pro­mos to tie this mix togeth­er. As always, it’s refresh­ing to hear what won­der­ful and obscure sounds this dig­ger has locked away in the vaults. Tune in below. 

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