Ron Morelli new album 'Man Walks The Earth'

The L.I.E.S. boss man presents new ideas in this ambient workout.

One year after the DIS­AP­PEAR­ER album on Hos­pi­tal Pro­duc­tions, Ron Morel­li returns with anoth­er full-length out­ing titled Man Walks The Earth’. In this endeav­our, he large­ly aban­dons the noisy tech­no exper­i­ments of his past records” as he pur­sues a more har­mo­nious and ambi­ent sound. Ron stat­ed, Man Walks The Earth’ is inspired by every­thing from ear­ly indus­tri­al music to the GRM and radio­phon­ic artists like Delia Derbyshire.

Land­ing on the Parisian label Col­laps­ing Mar­ket the 8 track LP is rich with intri­cate synth lines and heavy pro­cess­ing. Shy­ing away from much per­cus­sion work Ron is very metic­u­lous in his atten­tion to detail in this one. Expect deep tex­tures, sub­tle pro­gres­sions and a com­pelling explo­ration of synthesis. 


1. Fear Upon See­ing His Reflec­tion In The Lake 
2. The Search For Oth­ers 
3. 30 Mil­lion Years To Recov­er 
4. Earth Rotates On Its Axis 
5. A Long Walk At Night 
6. Stone Tools 
7. Unin­vit­ed Brute 
8. The Sun Beats Stronger As Each Day Passes 

Tune in below!

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