Legowelt Shadow Wolf Radio Episode 5

An explo­ration into unworldy sounds with the enig­ma that is Legow­elt.

Legow­elts Shad­ow Wolf Radio show sees its fifth edi­tion. The show, as always, broad­cast­ed from The Hague’s hottest radio sta­tion Inter­galac­tic FM last Thurs­day 15th of August. Legow­elt intro­duces the episode by talk­ing about his recent trav­els to Aus­tralia and explains the upcom­ing hour affair is Ful­ly packed with cool, obscure music, lots of unre­leased stuff, weird stuff but also clas­sic hits. Just music I think is real­ly cool or impor­tant, no wishy-washy stuff.“

In this episode Legow­elt dis­plays his diverse musi­cal inter­ests. Start­ing off with his own edit of Dance­hall clas­sic Leroy Smart – Let Off Sup’m he moves straight into the cold wavey sounds of Mar­tial Can­ter­el and then into ambi­ent works of his own. The show con­tin­ues to play out as such, hop­ping from genre to genre but with a clear cor­re­la­tion in his selec­tions. His nar­ra­tion also aids in seam­ing the episode togeth­er as he shares some wis­dom along the way. Tune in below and find the full track­list here.

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