Max Abysmal Red Light Radio stage Dekmantel 2019

Catch what happaned in the final hour on the Red Light Radio stage at this years Dekmantel festival.

Every year the Red Light Radio stage has grown in strength and stature at the annu­al Dek­man­tel fes­ti­val. And this year was no dif­fer­ent in terms of both size and pro­gram­ming. After three sol­id days that saw a wealth of com­pelling tal­ent from across the globe, there was only one man to see it out in spec­tac­u­lar fash­ion, a red light res­i­dent and our very own Max Abysmal. 

Engulfed in smoke and dim­ly lit by the erot­ic red rays inspired by Ams­ter­dam’s Red Light Dis­trict, Max took to the stage with a heavy son­ic arse­nal. From the first beat, he lays down voodoo tones as dis­tant chant­i­ng meets explo­sive chug­ging bass. It does­n’t take long for Max to get wild­ly rhyth­mic in his sig­na­ture style as he seduces the dance­floor with infec­tious ener­gy. He does a stel­lar job of piec­ing togeth­er the jour­ney with dra­mat­ic highs and intro­spec­tive lows cun­ning­ly cap­i­tal­is­ing on the vibe of the crowd. Max real­ly went above and beyond all expec­ta­tions in this one and was cer­tian­ly the right choice for the hon­ourably task, see why below!

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