GiGi FM NTS Radio Residency

There is a new face among the NTS residents.

GiGi FM has began a brand new month­ly show on Lon­don’s NTS Radio. The French/​Italian force to be reck­oned with brought her inter-dimen­sion­al tech­no and rhythm-based tex­tures to the East-Lon­don based stu­dio for the first episode.

The show got off to a great start land­ing in the NTS picks high­light­ed on the land­ing page of their web­site. Across the hour-long affair, GiGi took a big psy­che­del­ic cos­mic dive with music from Clo­tur, Trun­cate, Eric Clouti­er, Dona­to Dozzy, Ryo­go Yamamori Evigt Mörk­er, Skee Mask, Cross­ing Avenue, and more. Tune in below and stay tuned for the next episode!

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