Bambounou remixes Batu & Lurka

Worlds col­lide in this release on Fringe White. 

Bam­bounou serves up a very bris­tol influ­enced remix for two of the cities most com­pelling tal­ents in Batu & Lur­ka. It’s not the first time these artists have crossed paths, most notably being Bam­bounou and Batu’s b2b at Pos­i­tive Edu­ca­tion Fes­ti­val last sum­mer. All shar­ing a com­mon inter­est in heav­i­ly per­cus­sive and wild­ly rhyth­mic sounds, the inclu­sion of Bam­bounous remix into this release fits hand in glove. 

As stat­ed above, Bam­bounou takes the Bris­tol sound in his stride with an essence of both dub­step and bass in his exe­cu­tion. Echo­ing stab notes orbit sub bin pun­ish­ing low ends while off­beat drum pat­terns guide you through UK nos­tal­gia. Try it out below! 

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