Dekmantel Scores II: Identified Patient & Max Abysmal

Each artist pro­vid­ed a score for a Dutch archival film. 

Every year the Dek­man­tel con­cept seems to progress and evolve. In con­junc­tion with their 2018 Ams­ter­dam edi­tion, they launched a new series along with The Nether­lands Insti­tute for Sound and Vision’s RE:VIVE ini­tia­tive they called Dek­man­tel Scores. The project invites four artists who are each assigned a short film they must score and present on the open­ing day of the fes­ti­val. For their sec­ond year, they invit­ed Octo­pus fam­i­ly mem­bers Iden­ti­fied Patient and Max Abysmal along­side Lamellen and Lau­ra Agnusdei. 

A1. Iden­ti­fied Patient — Come­back
A2. Max Abysmal — Quod Libet
B1. Lamellen — De Stu­iter
B2. Lau­ra Agnus­dei — Fuga

Iden­ti­fied Patient han­dles A1 with dili­gent care. He paints the son­ic land­scape with float­ing melodies and serene sound­scapes pep­per­ing them with sub­tle off rhythm hits and spi­ralling syn­the­sis. This tran­si­tions flu­id­i­ty into A2 where Max Abysmal exe­cutes a more uncon­ven­tion­al com­po­si­tion. He fus­es heav­i­ly processed mum­bling vocals with scat­tered per­cus­sion and eerie synth lines. De Stu­iter’ evokes sev­er­al emo­tions along the way leav­ing you feel­ing tense and in sus­pense at times but at oth­ers in very safe hands – it’s unpre­dictable at every move­ment. Hear them out below. 

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