First Octo Live Stream w/ Legowelt

We tried out some­thing new in response to the cur­rent crises. 

It’s a strange time in the music indus­try, in any indus­try, but it’s with­in our human nature to con­tin­ue mov­ing for­ward with what we can do. With this in mind, backed by the fact we encour­age every­one to iso­late, the idea to stream through our chan­nels was decid­ed on. Through these streams, you can get up close and per­son­al with your favourite artists who will each pro­vide a char­i­ty of their choice tack­ling coro­na based issues. For as lit­tle as the price of a cof­fee, you can still make a difference. 

First up was one of Hol­land’s true under­ground heroes, an artist who goes by many monikers and is often imi­tat­ed but nev­er dupli­cat­ed.…Legow­elt! Stream­ing live from The Hague he invit­ed us into his stu­dio for a jam ses­sion along­side a bunch of tools he has become wide­ly syn­ony­mous with erm…synthesizers’. What unfold­ed was a short but mag­nif­i­cent insight into the wide­ly cast cre­ative net of Dan­ny Wolfers. He touched on his ambi­ent space sound­tracks, his love for Mem­phis Rap, his revived Glad­io alias along­side many help­ings of sig­na­ture Legow­elt sounds and more. Check it out below and stay tuned for more streams! 

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