Interstellar Funk B2B Elena Colombi Boiler Room TEN Brussels x Listen!

The like­ly duo match­es up once again, this time for Boil­er Room. 

In recent years Inter­stel­lar Funk and Ele­na Colom­bi have become close­ly affil­i­at­ed for their shared inter­ests and ethos on music. This has best been exem­pli­fied through radio shows on NTS and numer­ous b2b out­ings from Europe’s’ Drug­store in Bel­grade all the way to South Amer­i­ca’s edi­tion of Dek­man­tel Fes­ti­val in São Paulo. The matchup seems to be becom­ing increas­ing­ly intrigu­ing to those in the elec­tron­ic scene result­ing in this high in demand per­for­mance at Boil­er Room TEN x Lis­ten Fes­ti­val Brussels. 

From the first beat, the duo lay down an array of well informed elec­tron­ic odd­i­ties touch­ing on elec­tro, wave and acid-infused cuts. Wild synth lines fall out of uncom­pro­mis­ing rhythms with inten­si­ty and over­whelm­ing ener­gy. They voy­age through hard-hit­ting club sys­tem bangers while equal­ly tak­ing things into unchart­ed ter­ri­to­ry with moody and atmos­pher­ic spacey selec­tions. It’s a trip of many highs and lows, try it out below. 

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