Peter Van Hoesen Boiler Room TEN Brussels x Listen!

There was only one artist to call upon for the clos­ing slot of this Boil­er Room. 

Over the last sev­er­al decades Peter Van Hoe­sen has solid­i­fied him­self as one of Bel­gium’s finest tastemak­ers. Hav­ing pre­vi­ous­ly made appear­ances on Boil­er Room in his cur­rent home city of Berlin and on the pro­lif­ic Boil­er Room X Dek­man­tel stage it was about time to see Peter do his thing where it all began in this spe­cial ten-year Bel­gian edition. 

Clos­ing out the night, fol­low­ing on from artists such as Inter­stel­lar Funk and Job Job­se, Peter wast­ed no time get­ting down to busi­ness. He show­cased his unique take on tech­no with heady, left­field selec­tions that cru­cial­ly don’t com­pro­mise soul and groove – a rar­i­ty in cur­rent times. Util­is­ing all four decks, he builds cap­ti­vat­ing lay­ers of sound get­ting you lost between the beats as he sees fit. It’s Peter Van Hoe­sen doing what he does best…at his best. Immerse your­self below! 

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